GaN HEMT Project


In this project, a combined experimental and numerical approach is used to fully characterize different substrate configurations of GaN high electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs). The experimental technique is based on thermoreflectance imaging optimized for measuring from the GaN suraface. The thermal response is measured for the different devices and used in a reverse modeling approach to develop a simulation model of GaN-on-Si, GaN-on-SiC, and GaN-on-diamond HEMTs. The experimental study provides a quantitative measurement of the self-heating, while the numerical analysis is a qualitative approach that provides thermal property estimates.

High-Resolution Thermoreflectance Imaging Investigation of Self-Heating in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si, SiC, and Diamond Substrates

Assaad El Helou, Pavel L. Komarov, Marko J. Tadjer, Travis J. Anderson, Tatyana I. Feygelson, Bradford Pate, Karl D. Hobart, and Peter E. Raad

In this study, self-heating in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on high conductivity substrates is assessed using a high-resolution thermoreflectance (TR) imaging technique, to compare the thermal response between GaN-on-Si, GaN-on-Diamond, and GaN-on-4H-SiC. The TR method accuracy at high power density is verified by using a non-linear coefficient of thermoreflectance (CTR) as function of temperature. The acquired steady-state thermal maps give a thermal resistance of 11.5 mm.K/W for GaN-on-Si (based on peak channel temperature), compared to 2.7 and 3.3 mm.K/W for GaN-on-SiC and GaN-on-diamond substrates respectively. Even with a lower average thermal resistance, GaN-on-diamond showed a 20% higher peak thermal resistance than GaN-on- SiC, which could result in higher self-heating and thermallyenhanced device degradation. The analysis reveals the importance using high resolution imaging to detect hot-spots and areas of peak temperature that largely affect failure initiation and device reliability and which may not be otherwise observable.

Flowers in Chania
Measurement reflectance maps from calibration, activation, and the resulting temperature rise map.
Steady State thermal respone of GaN on Silicon.
Steady State thermal respone of GaN on Silicon-Carbide.
Comparison betwenn thermal resistance profile in GaN-on-4H-SiC and GaN-on-diamond.
Transient. GaN on Silicon Carbide (p=1 ms Vds=20V).
(p=1 ms Vds=30V).
Transient thermal response of GaN-on-4H-SiC with p=1 ms and p=300us. Duty Cycle=30%.

Full thermal characterization of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Silicon, 4H-Silicon Carbide, and Diamond using a reverse modeling approach

Assaad El Helou, Y Cui, Marko J. Tadjer, Travis J. Anderson, Tatyana I. Feygelson, Bradford Pate, Karl D. Hobart, and Peter E. Raad

The numerical part of the thermal investigation is based on a reverse modeling approach that is used to optimize a simulation model of the studied GaN to match the observed thermal response at the surface. The approach is presented in the figure below. The simulation models are built in TĀ°Solver and uncertain input parameters are optimized using an optimization algorithm.

Reverse modeling approach that optimizes thermal model based on the experimental thermal maps.

The benefits of the reverse modeling approach is that the optimized model provides:

  • the full 3D temperature distribution in the device structure
  • estimates of the uncertain thermal parameters (thermal conductivities, heat generation profile)
  • experimentally-valid model that can be used to conduct parametric studies
  • device thermal at time of testing, where the approach can be used to monitor health and degratation after prolonged activations.

HEMT Device structure .
HEMT Model showing epi layers and Drain, Gate and Source contacts.
Reverse modeling approach that optimizes thermal model based on the experimental thermal maps.
Matched experimental and simulation results for GaN-on-4H-SiC.
Matched experimental and simulation results for GaN-on-diamond.

GaN Epi-layer Reflectance Analysis using Numerical Optical Calculator

In this work, the reflectance of the GaN/substrate epi is investigated using a numerical approach. The reflectance of the different layer interfaces, as well as the absorption and interference effects are modeled to analyse the information contained in the reflected signal. The results show that the near-UV light is absorbed in the GaN layer and does not reflect from lower layers. The stray illumination beyond 380 nm may penetrate to the substrate surface but can be blocked by using a 360 nm and a 370 nm filter.

Flowers in Chania
GUI of developed optical analysis model in MATLAB that takes in epi layers thicknesses and materials. Based on the optical properties (n,k) of the materials, the model calculates the reflected and absorbed spectrum of an LED illumination. A light filter with provided band-pass spectrum can be added to observe effect of optical filtering.
Flowers in Chania
Reflectance results for GaN on Silicon and GaN on Silicon Carbide showing effectiveness of filter in removing stray reflectace.
Flowers in Chania
Reflectance results for GaN on Silicon-Carbide with added interference effects.

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